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Wild Beauty

Beauty is Medicine


'We are the Beauty we've been

seeking all our lives'

~Jack Kornfield

Beauty invites us to have an intimate relationship with Nature.

Beauty awakens our hearts and divine senses.

Beauty opens portals within us to touch, taste, sense, and feel the world around us. Beauty is Medicine.

'Each time a flower is smelled, bliss is a real-time experience.'

~Acharya Shunya

Ayurveda invites us to sync our nature with Mother Nature. 

Ayurveda awakens a memory in our hearts on how to do this. 

Ayurveda guides us on how to nourish and safeguard our divine senses so they can serve as powerful portals to know the world. 


    Wild Beauty Ayurveda 

    Living in Rhythm, Ritual & Routine

    Beauty is Medicine

    Way of the Herbalist
    2025-26 Herbal Year

    If you are reading this the plants have been speaking to you and you are listening.

    Walking the plant path is a rich, deep, Beautiful, heartfelt way of living, and being in the world.

    I believe we need more herbalists in the world.

    Herbalists are people living close to the Heart of the Mother.

    Herbalists are people that love learning about plants, seasonal living, cooking wild foods, medicine making, ancestral skills, gardening, foraging, wildcrafting & being stewards of the land.

    Way is defined as a path, portal, gateway, course of action and being capable of creating a Way to do so. Every woman has her own unique inherent way of being and expressing herself. 

    Every woman has her own unique inherent way of being an herbalist, and loving the plants.

    Way of the Herbalist honors, respects, supports and appreciates every woman's unique path, unique way of loving the plants and loving the earth. There is no one 'right' way to be an Herbalist. Some people will hold the knowledge quietly in their hearts, and some people will be called to to teach, educate and bring it into the world. There are so many ways to be an herbalist. 

    In the Summer of 2005 and 2006 I was called to study with Rosemary Gladstar. I traveled to Vermont to start my herbal studies @ Sage Mountain Herbal Sanctuary with Rosemary and 30 other women. We gathered for 9 days each Summer singing songs, making magical herbal medicine, cooking healing foods, taking plant walks, visiting and meeting other herbalists at their farms, laughing, loving, learning the importance of ceremony, sisterhood, and a seed was planted in my heart that maybe I too could one day share this magic medicine with my community. 

    In the Autumn of 2020 Way of the Herbalist was born out of the necessity of women desiring to know the wild plants, simple home remedies and ways to care for themselves, their families and community during the covid pandemic. The time had come to share what I knew with my beloved community of the Central Coast I have now called home for the past 30 years. 

    I am now preparing to enter into my 5th year of Way of the Herbalist or Herb School as it has come to be called. 

    Herb School is a magical 8 month journey where we gather one weekend a month, build community, learn herbal preparations, Ayurvedic Wisdom, do seasonal cleanses, take field trips, learn about reciprocal relations and sacred harvesting, and how to live the Beauty Way. 

    We will be weaving together the teachings from Rosemary Gladstar and folk herbalism, Ayurvedic Wisdom, and Nature Connection. There is written curriculum, an online school platform, a monthly community call live and recorded and a WhatsApp thread to share resources, links, articles, pictures and ask questions. 

    The Dates are:

    September 19-20 @ Crows End Retreat Center

    Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-6pm

    Opening weekend, Nourishing the Nervous System, Herbal Nervines, Traditional Tea Ceremony, Intro. to Ayurveda, Autumn Ayurvedic Cleanse, Sun Tea, Moon Tea, Infusions, Decoctions, Herbal Bathing, Foot Baths, Facial Steams, Hydrosols, and more...

    Guest Speakers:

    Saturday: Kathleen Lockyer is an Author, Occupational Therapist & Nature Led Founder. She will be leading us on how to listen to the landscape, the value of a 'sits spot', and grow our connection to nature. 

    Sunday: Jen de Treglode is a Tea Somelier and will be leading us in a traditional Tea Ceremony. 

    October 17-18 @ Crows End Retreat Center

    Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-6pm

    The Art of Herbal Body Oiling, Skin Herbs, Salve Making, Lotion Making, Ayurveda, Neti & Nasya Oil, Nervous System Regulation, the Lymphatic System & more. 

    Guest Speakers: TBA

    November 21-22 @ Crows End Retreat Center 

    Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-6pm

    The Art of Tincture Making, Herbs for the Immune System, Cordials, Elixirs, Oxymels, Herbal Syrups & Fire Cider, Building Ojas & more.

    Guest Speakers: TBA

    December 19 @ Crows End Retreat Center 

    Saturday 10am-7pm (one longer day)

    Winter Solstice Celebration

    Guest Speakers: TBA

    January 16-17 @ Crows End Retreat Center

    Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-6pm

    Women's Health & Herbs, Shakti Prana, Yoni Steaming, Children's Health, Maiden, Mother, Crone, Ceremonial Plants, Ayurvedic Wisdom & more. 

    Guest Speakers: TBA

    February 15-16 Location: TBA

    Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-6pm

    The Wisdom of the Wild Weeds, Wild Foods Cooking, Herb Walk, First Aid Herbal Kits & more. 

    Guest Speaker: TBA

    March 15-16 Location: TBA

    Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-6pm

    Herb Walk, Natural Dying Class, Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse, Liver Love, Flower Presses & more.

    Guest Speakers: Sadie Rogers & Natural Dying

    April 11-13 @ Crows End Retreat Center

    Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-6pm

    Seaweed day & more info to come. 

    May 15-16 

    Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-6pm

    Closing Ceremonies, Sacred Fire, Final Projects, Flower Crowns & Honorable Closures

    Email to schedule your phone call

    Tuition: $2,500

    Supplies: $500 (not included in tuition)

    Deposit: $500 non refundable deposit

    Payment plans available 

      Throughout the Magical Herbal Years...

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